Easy and Reliable In Vitro BBB-on-a-Chip

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Creating an in vitro model of the BBB does not have to be complicated.

In this webinar, you will learn how you can easily create a reliable and physiologically relevant model of the BBB in Mimetas OrganoPlate®. This system is successfully used by the top 10 big pharma and hundreds of academic researchers worldwide.

What you will learn

➡️ Limitations of current in vitro BBB systems and how to overcome

➡️ How to build a leak-tight 3D in vitro BBB model thanks to flow and co-cultures

➡️ How to easily asses BBB permeability, integrity, and expression of transporters on the model

➡️ How to obtain consistent and reproducible data


What others have said about the OrganoPlate®

“With the OrganoPlate by Mimetas, we developed a 3D brain-on-a-chip model that made easy to do high-throughput and high-content imaging to evaluate the acute toxicity of neurotoxins. OrganoPlate allowed the study of membrane-free vascular formation in a dynamic environment and further provided reliable and repeatable experiments with strong imaging capability.” — Dr. Yeoheung Yun, Associate Professor at North Carolina A&T State University


“Often you have to compromise: it’s either the throughput or it’s the complexity of the model. Getting both in the same platform…no other platforms can do that!” – Senior Scientist from top pharma


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This is a replay of a recorded webinar. Nevertheless, feel free to type your questions in the chatbox. We will answer by email.

Related publications

  • Wevers N. et al., A perfused human blood–brain barrier on-a-chip for high-throughput assessment of barrier function and antibody transport., Fluids and Barriers of the CNS 201815:23
  • Youngmi K. et al., Three-dimensional (3D) tetra-culture brain on chip platform for organophosphate toxicity screening., Scientific Reportsvolume 8, Article number: 2841 (2018)